Friday, May 18, 2007

4th day in Tawau..

I will just post up all the photos k? Lazy to write blog er..ahaha..

Bought my contact lens today..=)

Yung yung (new friend) and yik ling..

My new friend--> Yung yung..she's so cute...

Bus in Tawau..haha...

Omg!! This bowl of mee tasted so so so DELICIOUS!!

Lovely QQ n Yikling...

Waa...~so clean...

Chicken with very less meat but very very expensive


I did not take much photos today..But still I will post each photo that I took up to my blog coz today is a memorable day...Because....

I cut Yik ling's hair..hahaha...

love this photo so much..hahhaa..

Lizards in Tawau are HUGE!!

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